English to amharic meaning of

ሲቪል የሚለው ቃል እንደ አገባቡ ሁኔታ በርካታ የመዝገበ ቃላት ትርጉሞች አሉት። ጥቂት ሊሆኑ የሚችሉ ፍቺዎች እዚህ አሉ፡ ከዜጎች ወይም ከመንግስት ጋር የሚዛመዱ ወይም የሚመለከቱ፡- “የዜጎች መብቶች”ትህትና እና ጨዋነት፡ "የሲቪል ውይይት" ወታደራዊ ወይም ሀይማኖታዊ ያልሆነ፡ "የሲቪል ፍርድ ቤት"ከአጠቃላይ ማህበረሰቡ ጋር የተዛመደ፡ "ሲቪል ማህበረሰብ"በህብረተሰብ እና በዜጎች መካከል የሚፈጠሩ፡ "ህዝባዊ ዓመፅ" "በመንግሥት ወይም ለሕዝብ ጥቅም የሚውል ወይም የሚንከባከበው፡ "የሲቪል መሠረተ ልማት"የፍትሐ ብሔር ሕግን በተመለከተ፡ "የፍትሐ ብሔር ሂደቶች" p>እነዚህ “ሲቪል” ለሚለው ቃል ጥቂት ሊሆኑ የሚችሉ ትርጉሞች ናቸው፣ እና ልዩ ፍቺው በተጠቀመበት አውድ ላይ ይወሰናል።

Sentence Examples

  1. A British civil servant went broke when barely into the renovations of a former gofio mill and was finding the building impossible to sell.
  2. It gradually annexed province after province, purchasing them of the native chiefs, whom it seldom paid, and appointed the governor-general and his subordinates, civil and military.
  3. I find the Civil War tiring, a simple case of not doing the right thing in regards to slavery, that resulted in the loss of so many lives.
  4. For tonight, at least, I vow to be civil and understanding, take my feelings about our marriage out of the equation.
  5. As it was, his eyes had barely strayed from Miss Wyland, though he had been very civil with both Kila and Burl.
  6. Bud is obviously a Civil War fan for he begins relating battles that occurred in Arkansas and their significance to the Southern cause.
  7. War Eagle hugs Beaver Lake and includes signs of past visitors such as Civil War soldiers in addition to its fascinating rock outcrops.
  8. Winnie starts to retort but Bud turns and begins talking about the Civil War markings a few yards away, claiming that these scribblings left by retreating Confederates never fail to attract history buffs and re-enactors.
  9. But the Civil War happened on my turf, so its legacy lingers throughout my homeland.
  10. His cruelty knew no bounds, even against his own kind, thus civil war ignited.