English to amharic meaning of

“ባክስኪን” የሚለው ቃል መዝገበ ቃላት ትርጉሙ ከወንድ አጋዘን ቆዳ (ባክ) ቆዳ የተሰራ ለስላሳ፣ ተለጣፊ ቆዳ ወይም ከዚህ ቆዳ የተሰራ ሱሪ ወይም ሌዘር አይነት ነው፣በተለምዶ በአሜሪካ ተወላጅ የሚለብሰው። በአሜሪካ ምዕራብ ውስጥ ያሉ ሰዎች ወይም ድንበር ጠባቂዎች። “ባክስኪን” የሚለው ቃል ከቀላል ሱፍ ወይም ከቆዳ የተሠራ ማንኛውንም ዓይነት ሱሪ ወይም ላስቲክን በሰፊው ሊያመለክት ይችላል። በተጨማሪም "ባክኪን" የብርሀን ታን ወይም የቢጂ ቀለምን ለማመልከት ሊያገለግል ይችላል፣ ይህም የባክስኪን ቆዳ ተፈጥሯዊ ቀለም የሚያስታውስ ነው።

Sentence Examples

  1. Murdock had taken off his buckskins, laying them on the bank.
  2. He did some repairs on his own buckskins, made lashings for spears, and had plenty of thong ties.
  3. He was used to this reaction from others when he wore his buckskins.
  4. Rose took his wet buckskins and spread them out on rocks close by the fire, then joined him in the pool.
  5. Rose had removed her grass skirt, laying that on the bank on top of his buckskins.