English to amharic meaning of

የ‹‹ገጽታ›› የሚለው ቃል መዝገበ ቃላት ትርጉሙ፡ስም፡የአንድ ነገር የተወሰነ ክፍል ወይም ገጽታ፣ በተለይም ውስብስብ ነገር ነው። li>የአንድን ሰው ወይም የነገር ገጽታ በተለይም መለያ ባህሪያቱን በተመለከተአንድን ነገር በአእምሮ የሚታይበት መንገድ; እይታ ወይም እይታ። ከተወሰነ እይታ አንጻር ለመመልከት ወይም ለማገናዘብመታየት ወይም ራስን ማሳየት በተለይም የፊት ገጽታን ወይም ባህሪን በተመለከተ።

Sentence Examples

  1. John Bunsby long examined the threatening aspect of the heavens, muttering indistinctly between his teeth.
  2. Snow began to fall an hour after they started, a fine snow, however, which happily could not obstruct the train nothing could be seen from the windows but a vast, white sheet, against which the smoke of the locomotive had a greyish aspect.
  3. Pepper plants replaced the prickly hedges of European fields sago-bushes, large ferns with gorgeous branches, varied the aspect of this tropical clime while nutmeg-trees in full foliage filled the air with a penetrating perfume.
  4. A great shadow, preceded by a wild light, slowly advanced, appearing still larger through the mist, which gave it a fantastic aspect.
  5. A special call-out goes to Shalini for countless conversations, helping me to fine-tune every aspect of the setting, characters, and plot.
  6. It would have been a miracle indeed, if, while a gang of ruffians were perpetrating, at a given locality, a most unheard-of wrong, there should have been another similar gang, in a similar locality, in the same city, under the same circumstances, with the same means and appliances, engaged in a wrong of precisely the same aspect, at precisely the same period of time!
  7. The song ended with a deep sigh, and again the listeners remained waiting attentively for the singer to resume but perceiving that the music had now turned to sobs and heart-rending moans they determined to find out who the unhappy being could be whose voice was as rare as his sighs were piteous, and they had not proceeded far when on turning the corner of a rock they discovered a man of the same aspect and appearance as Sancho had described to them when he told them the story of Cardenio.
  8. The island of Singapore is not imposing in aspect, for there are no mountains yet its appearance is not without attractions.
  9. What about the international aspect of the company?
  10. The aspect of the country, as well as the manners and distinctions of race, is daily changing.