English to amharic meaning of

የ"መለያ" የሚለው ቃል መዝገበ ቃላት እንደ አውድ ሊለያይ ይችላል፣ነገር ግን አንዳንድ የተለመዱ ትርጓሜዎች የሚከተሉትን ያካትታሉ፡-የፋይናንሺያል ግብይቶች መዝገብ ወይም መግለጫ። የባንክ፣ የሱቅ ወይም የሌላ ንግድ ደንበኛ እቃዎችን ወይም አገልግሎቶችን በብድር ገዝቶ በኋላ የሚከፍልበት ዝግጅት። የአንድ ክስተት ወይም የልምድ ዘገባ ወይም መግለጫ። የአንድ ነገር ማብራሪያ ወይም ማረጋገጫ። የአንድ የተወሰነ ሰው አመለካከት። የአንድን ነገር ሪፖርት ማድረግ። ትርጉም የአንድ ነገር።

Sentence Examples

  1. He had viewed the books of account kept by Guy and satisfied himself of the basic fabric and security of the place now by degrees he needed to acquire a more detailed knowledge.
  2. His cheques were regularly paid at sight from his account current, which was always flush.
  3. Once I confirmed it was her account, I saw all the posts.
  4. She turned quickly from him and made pretence of putting the unneeded account back amongst her papers.
  5. The way I saw it, it was a savings account in case the family needed anything or ran short one month.
  6. Add that to my extra money to help Della with Jake and supplies, and I needed a savings account.
  7. After Ally offered a quick account of the accident, he voiced his gratitude and helped rush the stretcher to the ambulance.
  8. The first floor up had the room where the books of account were kept, where a small chapel still existed and there were two rooms that had been adopted by Dan and Mat as the more senior men with the troop.
  9. My gratitude to Angela Webster for translating in a meeting and providing me with valuable research material, and to the César Manrique Foundation for providing me with an account of their own fight against corruption.
  10. She could think of nothing else but this to account for this.