English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woord "tieners" het verskeie betekenisse na gelang van die konteks. Hier is 'n paar algemene definisies:Selfstandige naamwoord (meervoud): Dit verwys na die tydperk van die lewe tussen kinderjare en volwassenheid, wat gewoonlik wissel van ouderdomme 13 tot 19. Gedurende hierdie tyd het individue ondergaan tipies fisiese, emosionele en sosiale veranderinge wat verband hou met adolessensie.Byvoeglike naamwoord: Dit beskryf iets wat verband hou met of bedoel is vir tieners. Byvoorbeeld, "tienermode" verwys na klerestyle wat gewild is onder tieners.Selfstandige naamwoord (enkelvoud): In sekere kontekste kan "tiener" verwys na 'n individu wat tussen 13 is. en 19 jaar oud. Byvoorbeeld, "Sy is 'n tiener wat daarvan hou om sokker te speel."Neem asseblief kennis dat die spesifieke definisie kan verskil op grond van die konteks waarin die woord "tieners" gebruik word .

Sentence Examples

  1. He found less enjoyment in the odd mix of people they passed on the street, from punkers and heavy metal rockers, to a large number of tattooed and facially pierced teens and younger kids hustling and bustling, likely homeless or runaways.
  2. I put on light, neutral make-up and grab large sunglasses and a round rattan purse I bought on a trip to Indonesia when I was in my teens.
  3. Then a guitar squealed, drowning out the screaming teens.
  4. Cans of half-drunk beer flew outwards, some towards Harry and some towards the bikers, who responded with groans and then threw the cans back, hitting the teens but not damping their excitement.
  5. The teens had a tattered and worn old coat they kept waving in front of the little boy as though they were matadors and he the bull.
  6. They sat chatting, or running around laughing, like normal teens.
  7. Next to her, a young man in his early teens looked up as Anne passed.
  8. The teens at the front draped in black with mascara were going wild with excitement.
  9. Unable to pull his gaze away, he noted that one screen displayed a young couple preparing to have sex, while another showed a violent program with fighting and shooting, the third presented some teens smoking pot, and fourth displayed images of people who did not look quite real holding guns and stealing a motor vehicle.
  10. The teens were getting back to their feet, so I turned and ran away.