English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "tee" kan verskil na gelang van die konteks waarin dit gebruik word. Hier is 'n paar moontlike definisies:'n Klein, puntige voorwerp wat gebruik word om 'n gholfbal te ondersteun voordat dit geslaan word.'n T-vormige stuk hout, plastiek, of metaal wat gebruik word om iets te ondersteun of in plek te hou.'n Kort pen of aar met 'n plat bokant, wat gebruik word om 'n grens te merk of 'n beginpunt in 'n wedstryd of wedstryd aan te dui.'n Letter T, of 'n vorm wat soos 'n T lyk.'n Toevallige of informele t-hemp of top.Om te "afslaan" beteken om iets te begin of te begin, veral in 'n kragtige of entoesiastiese manier.Hierdie is net 'n paar van die moontlike definisies van "tee." Die betekenis van die woord kan verskil na gelang van die konteks en hoe dit gebruik word.


  1. golf tee

Sentence Examples

  1. He closed his eyes to be immediately transported to the golf course, where Ted Houghton stood at the first tee with a pistol in his hand as a train rumbled through an explosion halfway across the rough.
  2. Fenway glanced over at him he was wearing a black tee shirt that showed off his muscular arms, flexing slightly as he gripped the wheel.
  3. First of all, Robert had changed out of his rough, mud brown clothing, and was wearing gray sweats and a threadbare Iron Maiden tee the thin cotton strained across his muscular shoulders, and struggled to contain his biceps.