English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woord "tai" het veelvuldige betekenisse afhangende van die konteks waarin dit gebruik word. Hier is 'n paar van sy moontlike woordeboekdefinisies:(selfstandige naamwoord) 'n lid van 'n groep inheemse mense wat in dele van Suidoos-Asië woon, insluitend Thailand, Laos en Viëtnam.(selfstandige naamwoord) 'n taal wat deur die Tai-mense gepraat word, wat aan die Tai-Kadai-taalfamilie behoort.(selfstandige naamwoord) 'n groot seebrasem (vis) van die familie Sparidae, gevind in die Middellandse See en oostelike Atlantiese Oseaan.(selfstandige naamwoord) 'n maateenheid wat in antieke China gebruik is, gelyk aan ongeveer 1,3 kilogram.(afkorting) afkorting vir Thailand, 'n land in Suidoos-Asië.Dit is opmerklik dat die woord "tai" kan ook 'n voorvoegsel of agtervoegsel in verskeie woorde wees, wat addisionele of verskillende betekenisse kan hê.

Sentence Examples

  1. Pjodarr knew nothing of Durum Tai and its people, save the stories told around fires at night.
  2. With Arthur stood Lance, Esteban, Mark, Chris, Jack, Tai, Duc, Darnell, and Jaime.
  3. Behind Lance stood Mark, Jack, Lavern, Esteban, Darnell, Enrique, Reyna, Luis, Chris, Jaime, Tai, Duc, Sylvia and all the hundreds of children who had taken a leap of faith and joined the crusade, each of them with a chosen sword in hand, the line snaking around and back and through the park.
  4. He wondered if the folk of Durum Tai found Tarac so odd as well.
  5. Of what depravity did the people of Durum Tai not partake?
  6. Seated around him were Esteban, Reyna, Enrique, Luis, Lavern, Darnell, Tai, Duc, Jaime, and Justin.
  7. Esteban and Darnell and Duc and Tai and many, many more of their homeboys were present.
  8. Jaime, Darnell, Duc, Tai, and all the others had achieved great success, considering the odds against them.
  9. Standing around the wounded boy, gazing down at him in various stages of shock were Esteban, Darnell, Lavern, Luis, Enrique, Tai, Duc, Justin, and his dad.
  10. Among the undead that walked Durum Tai, were creatures that drank the blood of their victims.