English to afrikaans meaning of

Simbolisme verwys na die gebruik van simbole of voorwerpe om abstrakte idees, emosies of eienskappe voor te stel. Dit is die gebruik van simbole om iets buite hul letterlike betekenis voor te stel. In letterkunde, kuns en ander uitdrukkingsvorme word simboliek dikwels gebruik om dieper betekenisse en temas oor te dra wat dalk nie onmiddellik sigbaar is nie. Simboliek kan gevind word in die gebruik van voorwerpe, kleure en selfs diere om abstrakte konsepte soos liefde, dood of vryheid voor te stel.

Sentence Examples

  1. Freud might have had a field day with the symbolism but I was neither superstitious nor nostalgic.
  2. How then can this reporter, though he remains dedicated to the ideal of peace and brotherhood, condemn the desire of a certain element of the darker community in their efforts to organize and prepare for battle, as the enemy has organized into a fraternity of demonic principles and blatant symbolism that flaunts those principles?
  3. Now, with one act, despicable in both substance and symbolism, they have declared war against peace and decency.
  4. I never would have chosen the pumpkin-curry shade, but its symbolism tempted me.