English to afrikaans meaning of

As 'n byvoeglike naamwoord beteken "vee":Uitgebreid in omvang of dekking; verreikend; omvattend. Voorbeeld: Die regering het ingrypende veranderinge aan die belastingstelsel geïmplementeer.Gekenmerk deur 'n wydlopende of algemene effek; allesomvattend. Voorbeeld: Sy het 'n omvattende stelling gemaak oor alle politici wat korrup is.Het 'n indrukwekkende of imposante grootte of effek; groots of majestueus. Voorbeeld: Die vee landskap van die berge het haar asem weggeslaan.As 'n selfstandige naamwoord kan "vee" verwys na die aksie om 'n oppervlak skoon te maak of skoon te maak met 'n kwas of besem.

Sentence Examples

  1. Once I crest the mountain and the road flattens out I put my foot down again, swerving past two cyclists rounding the sweeping bends down into Los Valles.
  2. Shirley lunges into the bend, the car leaning hard to the left, and once through, she storms down the straight descent towards the sweeping hairpin at the bottom.
  3. Dominic moved out of the crowd, walking halfway up the sweeping staircase.
  4. As I approach the sweeping hairpin at the village edge, a party of cyclists, taking up the whole road, pant their way towards me.
  5. They reached the top of the sweeping stone staircase.
  6. Sweeping her off her feet, he carried her to his bed, her vest discarded and forgotten on the floor.
  7. When I heard them pull up, just before noon, I stopped sweeping the floor and went to the window.
  8. And both sensibly stayed home in that storm, when the switchbacks and the sweeping bends would have been treacherous.
  9. The cool air rushed into my lungs, and I relaxed more fully into Luke, even sweeping my hand up his arm to his chest.
  10. I tensed at every noise, gaze sweeping into the darkest corners as we made our way downstairs and then back through the Passages.