English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van die woord "sluk" kan wissel na gelang van die konteks en die spesifieke woordeboek wat gebruik word. Hier is egter 'n paar algemene definisies:(werkwoord) om te veroorsaak dat (kos of drank) in die keel afgaan tot in die maag Voorbeeld: Sy het die pil met 'n glas water ingesluk.(werkwoord) om in te neem of heeltemal te absorbeer Voorbeeld: Hy moes sy trots sluk en om verskoning vra.(selfstandige naamwoord) 'n klein trekvoël met spitse vlerke en 'n gevurkte stert Voorbeeld: Ons het 'n swaeltjie op die draad sien sit.(selfstandige naamwoord) 'n daad van sluk Voorbeeld: Sy het 'n diep sluk van die warm sop geneem.(selfstandige naamwoord) 'n sluk of 'n mondvol van 'n drankie Voorbeeld: Hy het 'n vinnige sluk van die koue bier geneem.


  1. deglutition
  2. drink

Sentence Examples

  1. Her words are as stodgy to swallow as the fish rolls.
  2. I swallow hard, fighting down the bile and panic as I gaze at the blocks upon blocks of water-logged homes and the empty shopping centers and dead traffic lights.
  3. I swallow the grief that has risen thinking of Lillye and open the door to find Holly, my travel writing neighbor who writes for my favorite magazine.
  4. I swallow the nastiness and grimace, which makes Spiderman suddenly concerned.
  5. Claustrophobia threatened to engulf her, but she had to swallow that up for the sake of her daughter.
  6. Thirty minutes later, I continued to swallow my pride as she chastised me for being late and getting pulled over.
  7. Just watching her sip that pink stuff leaves an awful aftertaste in my mind and I swallow hard.
  8. I swallow hard, knowing I must ask Annie the inevitable.
  9. Not feeling I have much choice, I swallow and go on.
  10. I swallow, doubting that this scene is real, but I take the photo anyway, then several more.

TV Series Examples



l'll not sit here and swallow insults