English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woord "voedsel" is 'n selfstandige naamwoord wat na die volgende betekenisse verwys:Kos of voeding wat nodig is vir die instandhouding van lewe, groei en gesondheid. Dit kan sowel vaste as vloeibare stowwe insluit wat deur lewende organismes verbruik word om hul fisiese en fisiologiese funksies te onderhou.Die handeling of proses om iets te onderhou of te ondersteun, soos 'n idee, geloof , of organisasie, deur die nodige hulpbronne, bystand of aanmoediging te verskaf.Die middele van bestaan of ondersteuning, tipies in die vorm van voedsel, voorsiening of hulpbronne wat oorlewing verseker , veral in uitdagende of moeilike omstandighede.Die toestand om volgehou of gehandhaaf te word, dikwels in 'n nie-fisiese sin, soos emosionele ondersteuning, morele aanmoediging of intellektuele stimulasie. Die voortsetting of behoud van iets, soos 'n tradisie, kultuur of lewenswyse, oor tyd. Dit is die primêre definisies van die woord "voedsel." Die spesifieke betekenis kan verskil na gelang van die konteks waarin dit gebruik word.


  1. bread and butter
  2. support
  3. livelihood
  4. keep
  5. living

Sentence Examples

  1. Our kiss became even more frenzied and urgent, like we needed it, depended on it for sustenance, for survival.
  2. Her mouth was immediately overtaken by his lips and tongue, and he kissed her as though he were starved for some sustenance only she could provide.
  3. Dried fish, a few pieces of tough jerky, and the occasional raw meat of a fresh kill was our sustenance.
  4. It now required long and excessive labor to condense within the chamber sufficient atmospheric air for the sustenance of life.
  5. However, it was necessary to mention this matter, lest the world should think it impossible that I could find sustenance for three years in such a country, and among such inhabitants.
  6. In the midst of these consultations several officers of the army went to the door of the great council chamber and two of them being admitted, gave an account of my behavior to the six criminals above mentioned which made so favorable an impression in the breast of his majesty and the whole board in my behalf that an imperial commission was issued out, obliging all the villages nine hundred yards round the city, to deliver in every morning six beeves, forty sheep, and other victuals for my sustenance together with a proportionable quantity of bread, and wine and other liquors for the due payment of which his majesty gave assignments upon his treasury.
  7. He went about his ministrations, giving them much needed sustenance their outstretched hands grabbing what they could, a few lucky ones grabbing more.
  8. It was the most interest she had seen him take in sustenance in longer than she could remember.
  9. Knowing that he had sustenance in his hand made him salivate.
  10. But as the days stretched into the third week of the hunt, we all could see the child needed proper sustenance, a warm bed, and time to rest in peace if she was to survive.