English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "oorgee" is om beheer, besit of mag oor iets of iemand prys te gee of daarvan afstand te doen, dikwels as gevolg van geweld, druk of noodsaaklikheid. Dit kan ook beteken om aan 'n teenstander, vyand of gesag toe te gee, om aan 'n eis te onderwerp, of om jouself heeltemal aan 'n bepaalde emosie of invloed oor te gee. Die woord kan in verskeie kontekste gebruik word, insluitend militêre, wetlike en persoonlike situasies.


  1. capitulation
  2. fall

Sentence Examples

  1. She sat back in her seat and held her hands up in surrender.
  2. I raised one hand in surrender while I chucked the last of the ice bits into the wastebasket with the other.
  3. If this was what it felt like to be plundered, she would gladly surrender.
  4. Then he started snuggling up to Maggie, helping her acclimate at Braxton and surrender the memories with her late husband.
  5. But does progress mean we are supposed to surrender our capabilities and destroy our well-being?
  6. I never knew that was an erogenous zone, and I surrender to the sensation.
  7. Running my hands over his muscular chest, I firmly tease his nipples, making him groan in surrender as he grabs my wrists.
  8. When they were taken over by the Silver Claws, part of their surrender was to pay ten percent of everything they made to us.
  9. I demanded his surrender, yet begged for his acceptance.
  10. I surrender to his kiss, and a small part of me hates myself for doing it.