English to afrikaans meaning of

'n toesighouer is "een wat toesig hou; veral: 'n administratiewe beampte in beheer van 'n besigheid, regering of skooleenheid of -operasie." Met ander woorde, 'n toesighouer is 'n persoon wat toesig hou oor of die werk van ander bestuur, om te verseker dat take effektief en doeltreffend voltooi word. 'n Toesighouer kan verantwoordelik wees om doelwitte te stel, leiding en ondersteuning te verskaf, prestasie te evalueer en besluite te neem wat verband hou met die bedryf of bestuur van 'n spesifieke area of departement.

Sentence Examples

  1. Mason was jawing with a couple of the patrol boys and, by the chevrons on his sleeves, the shift supervisor.
  2. One time we were furious at the supervisor, so we soaped the floor.
  3. She turned her back on him and faced her supervisor again.
  4. I did tell my supervisor you were innocent, you know.
  5. I crossed the car park quickly, in time to see a pale-looking supervisor raise his communicator and project his voice across the crowd.
  6. Her supervisor Gwen Navarro walked up to her desk.
  7. Not once in thirteen years had anyone intimated that her past might interfere with her ability to do her job, and now her supervisor questioned whether it might have turned her into a hysterical eyewitness?
  8. At least, up until the last few months, when he made supervisor and Arledge came to work for him.
  9. She said the supervisor would not be in until Monday, and even if she were available, she could not grant the waiver.
  10. Beside him, Aramael heard the police supervisor grunt.