English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van "voorstedelike" is:byvoeglike naamwoordwat verband hou met of kenmerkend van 'n voorstad, wat 'n woondistrik is wat aan die buitewyke van 'n stad geleë is of dorp.tipies van of met betrekking tot die voorstede, wat dikwels 'n gevoel van middelklaswaardes of ooreenstemming met hoofstroomnorme beteken.Jy kan byvoorbeeld gebruik maak van die woord "voorstedelike" om 'n stil, gesinsvriendelike woonbuurt te beskryf met goed versorgde grasperke en beskeie huise wat buite 'n groot stad geleë is. Die term kan ook gebruik word om te verwys na die kultuur, leefstyl of houdings van mense wat in voorstedelike gebiede woon.

Sentence Examples

  1. So he backed up toward the doorway and almost made it inside when a horde burst around a corner six long suburban blocks down.
  2. The suburban business district continued in that direction just as it did straight ahead, but there was less debris on the streets to the right.
  3. We were in a suburban area, further back from the beach.
  4. At least none who dared show their faces to strangers, and anybody with ears could hear the Suburban coming from miles away without trees to muffle the sound.
  5. He, Annie, Kyle and Hughes rode in a Chevy Suburban in the Eastern Oregon outback.
  6. So far, small-town life is turning out to be more chaotic and complex than my suburban existence.
  7. The gravel road stopped at an old four-wheel-drive GMC Suburban.
  8. A half dozen bond propositions regarded solutions to city traffic issues, local and suburban roads, and state highways.
  9. As we went further, we met fewer and fewer people, till at last we were somewhat surprised when we met even the patrol of horse police going their usual suburban round.
  10. It was a little piece of rural in a suburban neighborhood.