English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woord "studiously" is 'n bywoord wat afgelei is van die byvoeglike naamwoord "studious." Dit verwys na die wyse waarop iemand 'n aktiwiteit uitvoer of optree, wat dui op groot sorg, ywer of deeglikheid in hul pogings. Dit dui daarop dat iemand hom doelbewus en doelbewus op 'n taak of strewe met gefokusde aandag en konsentrasie toepas. Die term impliseer dikwels 'n gedissiplineerde benadering en 'n sterk begeerte om kennis op te doen of 'n spesifieke doel te bereik.

Sentence Examples

  1. When this was done, everything was studiously restored to its former disorder and then Hawkeye succeeded in reaching his little birchen vessel, without leaving behind him any of those marks which he appeared so much to dread.
  2. Duncan seized a pile of the sassafras, which he drew before the passage, studiously concealing every appearance of an aperture.
  3. Clouded cotton stockings, and shoes, on one of the latter of which was a plated spur, completed the costume of the lower extremity of this figure, no curve or angle of which was concealed, but, on the other hand, studiously exhibited, through the vanity or simplicity of its owner.
  4. Parchment and ledgers littered the top of his desk, and she kept her eyes studiously averted from the carpet.
  5. As I studiously avoided looking down, a green light flashed at the bottom of my vision.
  6. He bent his head and fastened his eyes studiously upon the button as if it were a little problem.
  7. I studiously avoided following her gaze as I shrugged the borrowed lab coat off my shoulders and handed it to her.
  8. The Percerin of that period was a Huguenot, like Ambrose Pare, and had been spared by the Queen of Navarre, the beautiful Margot, as they used to write and say, too, in those days because, in sooth, he was the only one who could make for her those wonderful riding-habits which she so loved to wear, seeing that they were marvelously well suited to hide certain anatomical defects, which the Queen of Navarre used very studiously to conceal.
  9. In pleading, they studiously avoid entering into the merits of the cause but are loud, violent, and tedious in dwelling upon all circumstances which are not to the purpose.