English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van die woord "koppig" is:byvoeglike naamwoordOm 'n onversetlike, hardnekkige of aanhoudende nakoming van 'n mens se doel te hê of te toon, mening, of voorneme ten spyte van pogings om andersins te oorreed, te lok of te beïnvloed. Voorbeeld: "Hy is 'n hardkoppige kind wat weier om sy groente te eet."Moeilik om te hanteer of te behandel; vuurvaste. Voorbeeld: "Die hardnekkige vlek sal nie uit die stof kom nie."Moeilik om te skuif, te verwyder of te verander. Voorbeeld: "Die ou bout was hardnekkig en wou nie draai nie."Sinonieme van hardkoppig sluit in: hardnekkig, onbuigsaam, onversetlik, eiesinnig, vasberade, vasberade, hardnekkig, hardnekkig .


  1. refractory

Sentence Examples

  1. Between our off-the-charts intelligence and arrogant, stubborn streaks, neither of us could back down nor develop a normal relationship.
  2. I contemplated contacting him but was too pissed off and stubborn to follow through.
  3. But humans, Ascended or not, were stubborn and arrogant.
  4. Lance wanted to talk to Jack about Mark, but the older boy maintained a stubborn silence as they foraged.
  5. Catherine tried again but the stubborn animal refused to obey.
  6. A pretty, stubborn redheaded prisoner, who intrigued me more than I wanted to admit to myself.
  7. Why are you so stubborn about doing everything on your own?
  8. If I was right, someone out there was homiciding his way through the membership of the Temple of Majesty, dragging me through the blood behind like a prospector pulling a stubborn mule, but never letting me catch up.
  9. Peering out of the rear window, up the hill down which the bus had careered, he got a letterbox view of stubborn rows of red-brick terraces rising up tree-topped slopes against the raw grain of the land.
  10. I had been stubborn and selfish, and now I was paying the price.