English to afrikaans meaning of

'n draagbaar is:'n toestel om 'n siek of beseerde persoon te dra wat bestaan uit 'n raam waarop 'n persoon deur twee of meer mense gelê en gedra kan word'n stuk seil of ander materiaal wat oor 'n raam gespan word en gebruik word om 'n skildery of ander kunswerk te ondersteun'n smal bed of bed, veral een gemaak van seil op 'n vouraam, soos gebruik in militêre kampe of hospitale'n staaf of raam wat verleng kan word om iets te hou of te ondersteun, soos 'n voertuigbak, 'n tent of 'n stofafdak.


  1. copestone
  2. coping stone
  3. capstone

Sentence Examples

  1. He indicated that they should lay the stretcher down on the floor right in front of the seat of power, as though offering Lance up to these feckless politicians who had failed this city and its children.
  2. The paramedics rush into the building with a stretcher.
  3. The paramedic indicated City Hall and the three of them carried the stretcher down a long walkway.
  4. I watched as the red-capped criminal was carried out on a stretcher.
  5. After he pointed to his right hand pocket, he laid back on the stretcher.
  6. After Ally offered a quick account of the accident, he voiced his gratitude and helped rush the stretcher to the ambulance.
  7. They scuttled through the door with the stretcher, and it closed behind them.
  8. As they loaded her father onto the stretcher, he complained about having to go to the emergency room.
  9. As Jack released his hold on the stretcher, he rose to his full six-feet and glared at the opulence around him.
  10. A short, pretty EMT determined Jason was stable but should be taken to the hospital on a stretcher.