English to afrikaans meaning of

As 'n selfstandige naamwoord kan "rek" verskeie betekenisse hê, insluitend:'n handeling om iets uit te brei of te verleng, soos 'n spier of 'n liggaamsdeel 'n aaneenlopende gebied of uitspansel van grond, water of ander stof'n lang tydperk'n moeilike of uitdagende taak of situasie'n uitbreiding van iets buite sy oorspronklike perkeAs 'n werkwoord kan "rek" beteken:om iets te verleng of te verleng, soos 'n spier of 'n liggaamsdeelom iets 'n groter gebied te laat dek of langer te wordom iets 'n groter of meer ambisieuse vlak of graad te laat bereikom iets langer te laat hou as verwag of bedoelom 'n mens se maksimum moeite of vermoë te gebruik om iets te bereik.


  1. reach
  2. reaching

Sentence Examples

  1. I saw them talking during the seventh inning stretch.
  2. The barren saddles of the Famara massif stretch out eastward like elongated arms, the valle de Temisa forming a steep-sided U.
  3. Exhausted from the search and craning our necks to the windshield, we parked at what looked like the cleanest stretch of street with no piercing objects to pop a tire.
  4. The Braxton Bears led the game four to three when the seventh inning stretch started.
  5. Instead, when I reach the end of the beach I turn back, not wanting to enter the bustle of the city, the sight of the Grand Hotel blocking access to the next stretch of promenade enough affront to my sensibilities.
  6. It was worth it to keep their darling out of the public school system, but it was a severe stretch on their finances.
  7. Even though in my dreams the floodwaters stretch out for miles, smooth as a sheet of glass, peaceful and calm, I awake sweating.
  8. Soon after, we arrived at Marine Park, a small tract of land with a long stretch of grass and a rocky, saltwater beach.
  9. Rows of canary palms flank the road for a stretch.
  10. That stretch of road is narrow and flanked by dry stone walls.