English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van die woord "krag" is die kwaliteit of toestand van fisies sterk wees, die vermoë om geweld of druk te weerstaan, die krag om aanval of spanning te weerstaan, of die vermoë om 'n moeilike of uitdagende situasie te verduur. Krag kan ook verwys na geestelike of emosionele sterkte, of 'n spesifieke eienskap of kwaliteit wat bydra tot 'n mens se sukses of doeltreffendheid in 'n gegewe area.

Sentence Examples

  1. The raw strength he exuded, whilst intimidating, was alluring.
  2. Overwhelmed by his grief and his need to control it, he put on a good show outside of the manor, projecting an image of dignity and strength to the other House members.
  3. Arnvar left Evan in a line and went to stand beside the green skinned giant, looking tiny up against eight feet of raw strength.
  4. Evan seized a rock from the fountain and flung it with all his strength.
  5. It slammed into me with the strength of a boulder, making me sway on the spot.
  6. Sapped of her tension, it would seem she had also been sapped of her strength, and she felt so tired she longed to curl up and sleep and sleep.
  7. I pretended to lose all strength in my legs, going limp.
  8. I found the strength to join Dean Terry, and together we marched up the stage steps and faced the crowd.
  9. She had relied on Lach, had counted on him to be in her corner, to be someone on whose strength she could depend when she felt she was at her weakest, and she had extended that same consideration to him.
  10. The rest of the day he was building his strength, then his evenings were spent in the kitchen being bossed about by a gnome named Sniglog.