English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woord "strand" het verskeie betekenisse na gelang van die konteks, maar hier is die mees algemene definisies:(selfstandige naamwoord) 'n enkele dun lengte van iets, soos 'n vesel of 'n hare(selfstandige naamwoord) 'n stuk land, dikwels 'n smal, wat aan beide kante deur water begrens word(werkwoord) om iemand in 'n moeilike of hulpelose situasie te laat, dikwels deur hulle te laat vaar(werkwoord) om vas te sit of gevang te word, soos in 'n moeilike situasie of probleemVoorbeelde:Die haarkapper het 'n string hare op die vloer gekry.Ons het langs die strand gestap en die pragtige uitsig oor die see bewonder.Die skeepswrak het die matrose op 'n verlate eiland gestrand gelaat.Ek was ure lank by die lughawe gestrand weens 'n gekanselleerde vlug.

Sentence Examples

  1. When he was at Court, he lodged in an elegant town house belonging to his sister near The Strand, and it was here that Richard had come to seek him out.
  2. Jenny pushed a strand of light-blonde hair back from her face.
  3. By morning, only one strand of each rope was still in place.
  4. Not a single strand pointed in any different direction than last time.
  5. My master can torture me for a thousand years rip my soul apart strand by strand.
  6. Finally, Mary Jo appears, wearing her usual navy blue A-skirt and matching button-up sweater, topped by a discreet strand of pearls and cream-colored headband.
  7. He stretched and then grabbed at an errant strand from a ball of yarn.
  8. He pulled out a silver strand, took her left hand, opened her fingers.
  9. Her hair is frozen in place, every strand, reminding me of my grandmother who visited a beauty parlor every week for that teased effect.