English to afrikaans meaning of

'n storieverteller is 'n persoon wat stories vertel of skryf, veral as 'n beroep of stokperdjie. 'n Storieverteller is iemand wat die vermoƫ het om 'n gehoor te boei deur verhale te deel wat feitelik, fiktief of 'n kombinasie van albei kan wees. Hulle kan verskillende tegnieke gebruik, soos aanskoulike beskrywing, dialoog of spanningsvolle tempo, om luisteraars of lesers te betrek en hul stories lewendig te maak. Storievertelling is al eeue lank 'n fundamentele deel van menslike kommunikasie en bly vandag 'n gewilde vorm van vermaak en opvoeding.


  1. fabricator
  2. fibber

Sentence Examples

  1. Just sufficient time had elapsed to enable each storyteller to dress up his tale with a little becoming fiction, and, in the indistinctness of his recollection, to make himself the hero of every exploit.
  2. That would entail some mighty explaining, and I was not the storyteller in the family.
  3. It would open with a storyteller accompanied by harps, lyres, and other strings.
  4. He was a good storyteller, and he was enjoying the attention.
  5. Eirek could see the storyteller and strummers garbed in brown with white sashes underneath their cloaks.