English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van die woord "voorraad" kan verskeie betekenisse hê, afhangende van die konteks waarin dit gebruik word. Hier is 'n paar algemene definisies:'n Voorraad goedere wat byderhand gehou word vir verkoop of verspreiding.Die totale bedrag van iets wat beskikbaar is of wat bestaan.Die kapitaal wat deur 'n korporasie verkry word deur die uitreiking en verkoop van aandele, wat eienaarskap in die maatskappy verteenwoordig.Die vee op 'n plaas, insluitend beeste, skape, varke, ens.Die hout- of metaalraamwerk wat 'n skip ondersteun terwyl dit gebou of herstel word.Hierdie is net 'n paar voorbeelde van die verskillende betekenisse van die woord "stock. " Die betekenis van die woord kan verskil na gelang van die konteks waarin dit gebruik word, daarom is dit altyd belangrik om die omliggende woorde en sinne in ag te neem om die bedoelde betekenis daarvan te verstaan.


  1. livestock
  2. farm animal

Sentence Examples

  1. Tip-toeing, I eased my way along the back stock and sunk into a crouching position behind a pallet of canned vegetables.
  2. All that hard work, all those careful calculations as to how much stock to buy, what price to sell it at, and the man ended up here, lying in a pool of his own blood.
  3. I thought crooks ripped people off electronically now, using the stock market or government handouts.
  4. I see you picked out the two finest robes I had on stock.
  5. Let me wash, rinse, and repeat for those of you who own stock in all the hair gel companies.
  6. Someone who could read minds could sway the stock markets with a single, massive trade.
  7. Yet here he was, wanting to place stock in feelings.
  8. Two of those questions were answered later that afternoon, while Abit helped me put up supplies in the storeroom and stock the shelves out front.
  9. I had learned long ago that the slightest damage to any of the stock would immediately lose me twice that amount in rations, so as always I absorbed myself in my work.
  10. It told of a sale of five horses, two pigs, and of fodder for the feeding of stock.