English to afrikaans meaning of

As 'n selfstandige naamwoord het "stok" verskeie betekenisse, insluitend:'n Lang, dun stuk hout of ander materiaal.'n Dun, puntige voorwerp wat gebruik word vir prikkel of steek.'n Klein takkie of takkie.'n Stapstok of kierie.'n Smal strook materiaal wat gebruik word om te roer of te meng.'n Staaf of staaf wat gebruik word as 'n ondersteuning of om iets op te hang.'n Stuk kleefmateriaal wat gebruik word om een ding aan 'n ander te heg.'n Probleem of moeilikheid wat 'n mens nie in staat is om op te los of te oorkom nie.As 'n werkwoord kan "plak" beteken:Om iets aan 'n ander ding te heg of aan te heg met behulp van kleefmiddel materiaal.Om iets in iets anders in te voeg of in te druk.Om in 'n sekere posisie of plek te bly.Om iets vas of onbeweeglik te laat word. Om iets aan te hou of daaraan vas te klou.Om lojaal aan iets of iemand te bly.Om te huiwer of te wankel in 'n mens se optrede of spraak.

Sentence Examples

  1. It made my shirt stick to the back of the seat, and my thighs stick together uncomfortably.
  2. There was a brown shoebox pressed against the sides, with a drawing of a car and two stick figures scribbled on its top.
  3. I was saving this for the night when I finally decided to tell my mother where she can stick it.
  4. If they finished early, they were free to leave but had to turn in their overviews of an upcoming term paper due in two weeks, or they could stick around to write it during the remaining lecture time.
  5. I wanted to stick around to talk to a few people, but Emma would arrive any minute, and she was exactly what I needed to make myself feel better and to find normalcy again.
  6. Passepartout tried to reason about the matter, but the policeman tapped him with his stick, and Mr.
  7. His every movement was precise and stiff, as if he had a stick shoved up his southern pucker.
  8. They were stuck with the short end of the everlasting-life stick although we were all revitalized internally, external appearances have remained the same.
  9. I asked if she wanted me to stick around, but she told me she needed to confront the man herself.

TV Series Examples



the words stick in your throat.



Stick 'em with the pointy end.



First lesson - stick them with the pointy end.



Stick with me and you'll have them all,