English to afrikaans meaning of

Trappe kan veelvuldige betekenisse hê, afhangende van die konteks, maar sommige van die mees algemene definisies is:'n Stel voetbewegings wat gebruik word om op of af te loop of te klim, soos 'n trap of 'n trappie.'n Enkele beweging wat met een voet gemaak word terwyl jy loop of hardloop, of die afstand wat deur een so 'n beweging afgelê word.'n Fase of fase in 'n proses, plan , of ontwikkeling.'n Vlak van prestasie of vordering na 'n doelwit of doelwit.'n Maatreël of aksie wat geneem word om iets te bereik, dikwels op 'n doelbewuste of versigtige wyse.Voorbeeldsinne:Sy het met die trappies van die toring opgeklim om 'n beter uitsig te kry.Hy het drie treë vorentoe gegee en toe gedraai om die gehoor in die gesig te staar.Ons moet stappe doen om ons prestasie te verbeter en ons teikens te bereik.Die eerste stap in die oplossing van 'n probleem is om die oorsaak te identifiseer. Die maatskappy het beduidende stappe gedoen om sy koolstofvoetspoor te verminder.


  1. stairs

Sentence Examples

  1. The floor shook, and I took a couple of steps back.
  2. They accidentally bumped the desk into the handrail while walking up the steps.
  3. My heart pounded in tandem with our frantic steps.
  4. Before summoning the courage to start the day, I tossed on some clothes and descended the staircase two steps at a time.
  5. She rushed across campus and back to her dorm room where she convinced herself everything would be okay and that everyone would think Professor Monroe had fallen down the steps and hit her head.
  6. As Connor descended the steps, I turned to Lorraine.
  7. She had a giant egg on the front of her head where she hit the steps.
  8. I followed Connor down the back steps to avoid the crowd assembling on the first floor of Diamond Hall.
  9. I found the strength to join Dean Terry, and together we marched up the stage steps and faced the crowd.
  10. By the time the game started, the councilman had thrown his tray of fries on the ground and stormed up the steps to the exit.