English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "honger" is die toestand van lyding of dood wat veroorsaak word deur 'n gebrek aan voedsel of voeding. Dit kan ook verwys na 'n ernstige tekort aan die liggaam se voedingsbehoeftes of 'n uiterste honger as gevolg van 'n lang tydperk sonder kos. Benewens fisiese honger, kan hongersnood ook geestelike en emosionele nood veroorsaak, insluitend moegheid, swakheid, verwarring en prikkelbaarheid. In 'n breër sin kan die term "hongersnood" gebruik word om enige situasie te beskryf waar daar 'n ernstige gebrek aan noodsaaklike hulpbronne is, soos water of skuiling, wat tot uiterste lyding of ontbering lei.


  1. famishment

Sentence Examples

  1. After days of unaccustomed solitude, he was sick to death of his own company and was beginning to think that his unknown future would be slow starvation if he could find nothing better than berries and apples to eat.
  2. Martin Luther King and Robert Kennedy were assassinated and starvation gripped parts of Africa.
  3. They could only destroy things until they themselves were destroyed or killed off by starvation, bullets, hammers, and weather.
  4. Parker consoled himself with the wonderful fact that most or all of the infected would die of exposure if not starvation.
  5. Men, women and children were murdered, burned out of their homes, left to die from starvation and disease.
  6. He could hang himself with his handkerchief to the window bars, or refuse food and die of starvation.
  7. Killing women and children and leaving most to die of starvation after you burnt their homes and fields.
  8. Strait-jackets, starvation, and beatings and clubbings were the wrong treatment for Jim Hall but it was the treatment he received.
  9. Death from thirst or starvation invaded her thoughts, accompanied by the persistent rain and the constant pounding of the lagoon swells in the now-retreating tide.
  10. Gangs rendering the hallways free of corpses with shivs and 3inch blades, or stay and die of starvation, thirst, or hypothermia, because this apartment was freezing without heating.