English to afrikaans meaning of

As 'n selfstandige naamwoord het die woord "ster" verskeie betekenisse, insluitend:'n Ligte hemelliggaam, wat tipies bestaan uit 'n massa gas wat deur sy eie swaartekrag bymekaar gehou word, wat lig uitstraal en hitte.'n Bekende of buitengewoon talentvolle persoon in 'n spesifieke veld, soos 'n filmster of sportster.'n Vorm met vier of meer punte wat soos die vorm van 'n ster lyk. .'n Merk of simbool wat soos 'n ster gevorm is, wat gebruik word om uitnemendheid of sukses aan te dui.'n Voorste kunstenaar in 'n teaterproduksie, soos 'n toneelstuk of musiekblyspel. 'n Persoon of ding wat vooraanstaan in 'n spesifieke veld of groep.As 'n werkwoord kan "ster" beteken om iemand of iets op 'n prominente manier uit te lig of uit te lig, soos in "The movie stars Tom Cruise and Scarlett Johansson."


  1. asterisk

Sentence Examples

  1. The air had cooled considerably as the moon rose into the star kissed night.
  2. Bernard Parish Police Detective and the regular star of my sexual fantasies, fills the doorway with every inch of his gorgeous flesh.
  3. In the glare of the midday sun, that would have been bad enough, but to compound things, every threshold of the buildings bore a symbol resembling a ten-pointed star, wrought in some chrome plated metal that only intensified the painful luster of the town at large.
  4. He stood ponderously in his own star of blackened stone, looking at Uraj.
  5. The tops of the glimmering spires were so high they appeared to pierce the star strewn sky above.
  6. The only sign anything untoward had happened were the deep scorch marks left in the tone at his feet, streaks of soot that flared outward like a star with Uraj in the center.
  7. The label said the blade was named Ruaden and was crafted by star elves.
  8. I looked up, searching for my lone star, but it had disappeared.
  9. The TV aired a music video for Yaranus the Yeti rock star, whilst Adara, the chosen one, was expounding on one of his legendary feats to a group of adoring Apprentices.
  10. The best way to destroy a group of people is to kill its brightest star.