English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "houding" is die manier waarop iemand staan, veral wanneer dit doelbewus aangeneem word (soos in 'n houding), of 'n bepaalde houding of standpunt wat ingeneem word teenoor 'n onderwerp, saak of situasie.Byvoorbeeld, "Sy het 'n defensiewe houding ingeneem toe sy deur die woedende kliënt gekonfronteer is," of "Sy standpunt oor klimaatsverandering is dat dringende optrede nodig is om katastrofiese gevolge te voorkom."

Sentence Examples

  1. Holding my stomach, I staggered to a full stance and glanced up at the blue sky.
  2. Jason took up a defensive stance with his arms out and his knees bent.
  3. Except for New Age Goddess who quickly centers herself between the mayor and me and offers up a peaceful stance, her arms outstretched gracefully.
  4. He gave up his stance and went to the door, opening it and beckoning her in.
  5. She flushed and hurt did flicker in her gaze, but then she relaxed her stance and turned back to the teapot.
  6. And I had reason enough to challenge the noninterference stance.
  7. Startled, he dropped form, snapping into a defensive stance.
  8. Adopting a defensive stance at his back, she protected him while he centered himself with a lightning-quick bit of meditation.
  9. But there was an urgency in his voice now, and although he assumed a casual stance, the tension in his shoulders gave it away.
  10. However, his stance suddenly straightened, and he clenched his jaw.