English to afrikaans meaning of

As 'n werkwoord het "bekruip" 'n paar verskillende betekenisse:Om met stadige, afgemete en dikwels stil treë te loop, veral om te verhoed dat jy gehoor of gesien word . Voorbeeld: Die jagter het sy prooi deur die woud bekruip.Om iemand of iets obsessief of aanhoudend, dikwels op 'n dreigende of intimiderende wyse, agterna te sit. Voorbeeld: Die bekende persoon het ongemaklik gevoel met die manier waarop die paparazzi haar agtervolg.Om iemand of iets op 'n vasberade en aanhoudende manier te volg, dikwels met die doel om skade te berokken. Voorbeeld: Die slagoffer was bekommerd dat haar eks-vennoot haar agtervolg.As 'n selfstandige naamwoord verwys "stingel" tipies na die hoofstam van 'n plant, of die skraal ondersteunende strukture van verskeie organe, soos die blare of blomme.


  1. angry walk

Sentence Examples

  1. Each stalk served as a perch for a grasshopper, which regaled the passers-by through this Egyptian scene with its strident, monotonous note.
  2. The frozen prairie grass swayed stiffly in the wind, and occasionally a stalk snapped under the strain to fall, limp and sad as a slain soldier, against the remains of its comrades.
  3. The other prisoners went quiet, their fear tangible, as Sarah spawned the first Barghest to stalk the Earth in two thousand years.
  4. We became fascinated as they would carefully stalk the moths so as to not scare them off and then pounce when they got just close enough.
  5. Hopefully this one felt safe enough to stalk a clumsy, lumbering oaf, and would maybe even show himself before launching a few arrows.
  6. Gradually I gained focus there, on a stalk of wild barley, sat a grasshopper, its green body muted to dark gray in the morning light.
  7. I plucked a fennel blossom from its tall stalk off the side of the road and squeezed its seeds into my hand.
  8. They gathered the fiercest, most terrifying of their people and trained them to stalk the shadows of our world, watching us like guardian angels until one of us breaks the law.
  9. Garnish with celery stalk, or go crazy with asparagus or green peppers or pickles or olives.
  10. Even as it was, my hair stood on end, while I gazed afar down within the yawning abysses, letting imagination descend, as it were, and stalk about in the strange vaulted halls, and ruddy gulfs, and red ghastly chasms of the hideous and unfathomable fire.