English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "mooi" is om nie meer vars of aangenaam in smaak of reuk te wees nie. Dit kan ook verwys na iets wat sy nuutheid of belangstelling verloor het, of mettertyd vaal of onopwindend geword het. Daarbenewens kan dit verwys na iets wat nie meer nuut of relevant is nie, of wat te lank in gebruik is.

Sentence Examples

  1. It was clean but smelled stale, and she dried her face with it, twisting it between her fingers as she forced a smile.
  2. Kila thought again of the handkerchief Miss Wyland had given him, a handkerchief redolent with the stale tang of sophoria.
  3. The air was stale, but sweet with the stench of death.
  4. The car smelled of polished leather mixed with stale oily dust and a faint tinge of gas.
  5. One of their armored Trajan chariots was already pulling up on their right, its scarlet flags waving defiantly in the stale air, showing the crossed scimitars that was their sigil over the armored chariot.
  6. Opening the door, the inn welcomed him with smoky air bearing a heavy odour of dampened wool, stale food, and the sea coal that crackled in the fire.
  7. The men shoved a flexible tube into the opening of the door and fitted the other end to an air pump standing just outside one of the basement windows as soon as they switched on the electric motor, the air down in the basement was filled with a powerful odour of beef jerky or stale salami.
  8. The stench of stale wine rose from red puddles strewn with broken glass.
  9. Dean covered his nose and mouth with his hand, the stench was like stale milk and shit, and he gagged.
  10. The donations to your stale dog and pony show, which had begun to dry up, once again began flowing like wine.

TV Series Examples



Do you have any stale ones from yesterday?