English to afrikaans meaning of

As 'n selfstandige naamwoord het "verhoog" verskeie woordeboekbetekenisse:'n Verhoogde platform waarop akteurs, kunstenaars of sprekers kan staan of optree.'n Vlak , area of deel van 'n struktuur wat vir 'n spesifieke doel gebruik word, soos 'n opvoering of aanbieding.'n Fase of tydperk van ontwikkeling, groei of vordering in 'n proses of gebeurtenis.'n Punt of stap in 'n proses, dikwels met spesifieke take of doelwitte wat bereik moet word.'n Platform of area wat gebruik word vir politieke, sosiale of ander openbare geleenthede, soos saamtrekke, demonstrasies of seremonies .As 'n werkwoord kan "verhoog" beteken om 'n spesifieke gebeurtenis of situasie, soos 'n opvoering, aanbieding of produksie, te beplan, te organiseer of voor te berei.


  1. leg

Sentence Examples

  1. When I found myself alert again, I caught wind of his change in topics on the stage.
  2. Another reproduced the most singular combinations with a spinning-top in his hands the revolving tops seemed to be animated with a life of their own in their interminable whirling they ran over pipe-stems, the edges of sabres, wires and even hairs stretched across the stage they turned around on the edges of large glasses, crossed bamboo ladders, dispersed into all the corners, and produced strange musical effects by the combination of their various pitches of tone.
  3. He went upon the stage, and took his place beside the rest who were to compose the base of the Car of Juggernaut.
  4. From the banners hung to either side of a distant stage, apparently we were here to celebrate the reopening of several historic properties in downtown Seattle.
  5. Secret Service agents lined the perimeter of the stage.
  6. Just as I was about to respond, someone on the stage asked everyone to take their seats, so the president could begin speaking.
  7. He latched onto the minds of five secret service agents lining the stage.
  8. A staffer walked onto the stage, squinting against the bright lights.
  9. I found the strength to join Dean Terry, and together we marched up the stage steps and faced the crowd.
  10. The radio announced that the president would take the stage in a few minutes.