English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "staccato" is 'n Italiaanse musiekterm wat verwys na 'n styl van speel van note op 'n losstaande, verkorte en skerp manier, met 'n kort pouse tussen elke noot. Dit kan ook gebruik word om spraak of skrif te beskryf wat skielik of onsamehangend in styl is. Daarbenewens kan "staccato" as 'n byvoeglike naamwoord gebruik word om enigiets te beskryf wat gekenmerk word deur 'n reeks kort, skerp klanke of aksies.


  1. disconnected

Sentence Examples

  1. My heartbeat drummed a staccato rhythm in my ears.
  2. A sharp, cold staccato scraped the ground, and a grotesque sick moved in.
  3. The second honk was louder and accompanied the strange staccato of a series of quacks along with a kind of clicking that grew by the minute.
  4. The deafening staccato chatter of automatic gunfire sent his senses reeling.
  5. His lungs needed oxygen, but each breath came in a terrible staccato fashion that simply rattled his bones even harder.
  6. Deep voices rose from the shadows, passing between a sharp staccato and a guttural drawl.
  7. A staccato crackle , like scurrying rats in the walls.
  8. Stood again and paced the room with quick, staccato strides.