English to afrikaans meaning of

As 'n selfstandige naamwoord kan "spoor" verskeie betekenisse hê, insluitend:'n Toestel met 'n puntige punt wat aan die hak van 'n ruiter se stewel gedra word en wat gebruik word om 'n perd aan te spoor om beweeg vorentoe.'n Projeksie of puntige voorwerp, wat dikwels van 'n hoofliggaam of stam aftak.'n Stimulus of aansporing wat iemand aanspoor om op te tree of iets te doen.As 'n werkwoord kan "aansporing" beteken:Om iemand of iets met 'n aansporing aan te spoor.Om iemand te stimuleer of aan te moedig om aksie te neem of iets te doen.Om 'n proses of gebeurtenis aan die gang te sit of te aktiveer.


  1. gad

Sentence Examples

  1. They would kidnap Katherine to spur donations and public interest.
  2. Anger at her foolishness and the humiliation she had brought on herself made her spur the horse on.
  3. But it was more than an escape it was a trap, conceived on the spur of the moment, to murder a used-up detective that was getting too nosy.
  4. The locomotive, its great funnel emitting a weird light, with its sharp bell, and its cow-catcher extended like a spur, mingled its shrieks and bellowings with the noise of torrents and cascades, and twined its smoke among the branches of the gigantic pines.
  5. Not seeing Julius was hard, and she clung to her anger, knowing she needed it to spur her to action.
  6. Camilla was struck with alarm at hearing what Lothario said, and with much anger, and great good sense, she reproved him and rebuked his base design and the foolish and mischievous resolution he had made but as woman has by nature a nimbler wit than man for good and for evil, though it is apt to fail when she sets herself deliberately to reason, Camilla on the spur of the moment thought of a way to remedy what was to all appearance irremediable, and told Lothario to contrive that the next day Anselmo should conceal himself in the place he mentioned, for she hoped from his concealment to obtain the means of their enjoying themselves for the future without any apprehension and without revealing her purpose to him entirely she charged him to be careful, as soon as Anselmo was concealed, to come to her when Leonela should call him, and to all she said to him to answer as he would have answered had he not known that Anselmo was listening.
  7. He of the green gaban would have offered resistance, but he found himself ill-matched as to arms, and did not think it prudent to come to blows with a madman, for such Don Quixote now showed himself to be in every respect and the latter, renewing his commands to the keeper and repeating his threats, gave warning to the gentleman to spur his mare, Sancho his Dapple, and the carter his mules, all striving to get away from the cart as far as they could before the lions broke loose.
  8. Had not our minds been made up, and had there not been terrible memories to spur us on, we could hardly have proceeded with our task.
  9. She promised she would, and then the other buckled on his spur, and with her followed almost the same conversation as with the lady of the sword.
  10. Dan had already turned his horse and began to spur it for the chase, Catherine was some way behind him.