English to afrikaans meaning of

As 'n selfstandige naamwoord kan "spuit" 'n paar verskillende betekenisse hê, insluitend:'n Fyn mis of stortreën van klein druppels vloeistof, soos water of verf, wat in versprei word in die lug.'n Toestel wat 'n fyn mis vloeistof produseer, wat tipies gebruik word vir die bespuiting van plante of die toepassing van haarprodukte.Die aksie om iets met 'n vloeistof te spuit. As 'n werkwoord beteken "spuit" om 'n vloeistof te versprei in die vorm van 'n fyn mis of stortreën van klein druppels, tipies deur 'n spuittoestel te gebruik of deur die vloeistof deur die lug te waai of te blaas.

Sentence Examples

  1. Spray filled the air and obscured his views of immense cliffs that towered on either side of the waterfalls as the valley narrowed to a deep ravine.
  2. He reaches the landslide Paula mentioned, and is pondering if he dares edge across it when the wind gusts and a king wave pounds the rocks below him, covering him in spray.
  3. My jaw dropped, and I looked at the pepper spray with new respect.
  4. Someone drug a watering hose and began to spray down the cabins.
  5. I stayed under the spray until my skin turned red.
  6. The cavity should have been boarded up against the wind and the spray that coats everything in salt.
  7. Swearing, I threw the tire iron as the beast raised its giant scaly head, striking it in the mouth and knocking several teeth flying in a spray of blood.
  8. The passengers were often bathed in spray, but they submitted to it philosophically.
  9. Disgusted, I grabbed the pepper spray out of my dresser drawer, shoved it in my pocket, and darted through the house.
  10. The devil howled as gore gushed out in a red spray.