English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woord "spesifiek" is 'n byvoeglike naamwoord wat verskeie verwante betekenisse kan hê, insluitend:Duidelik gedefinieer of geïdentifiseer: Dit verwys na iets wat presies, presies en ondubbelsinnig is , met geen ruimte vir verwarring of twyfel nie. Byvoorbeeld, "Sy het vir my spesifieke instruksies gegee oor hoe om by haar huis uit te kom."Verband met 'n spesifieke individu, groep of ding: Dit verwys na iets wat uniek is of duidelik, en nie van toepassing op alles of almal nie. Byvoorbeeld, "Die medisyne is spesifiek vir hierdie tipe infeksie."Eksplisiet of gedetailleerd: Dit verwys na iets wat duidelik uitgedruk en geartikuleer is, met geen ruimte vir waninterpretasie of dubbelsinnigheid. Byvoorbeeld, "Hy het vir my spesifieke voorbeelde verskaf van wat hy bedoel het."Enk gefokus: Dit verwys na iets wat beperk is in omvang of omvang, en nie van toepassing is op 'n breër konteks. Byvoorbeeld, "Sy het 'n baie spesifieke area van kundigheid."

Sentence Examples

  1. Sometimes the benefactor has a specific request on where to distribute the money.
  2. There was no hesitation in her movements as her nimble fingers ran across the monitor to locate the specific uplink frequency.
  3. Supposedly, entry into the fully self-sustaining towers had been permitted to several thousand individuals who met specific criteria, but if the rumors were true, the price tag for entry had been steep.
  4. From the time he was born, he was taught specific pack rules.
  5. Rather than address a specific body part or group, I tested several of the new machines and acclimated to the equipment.
  6. There was no specific time they were to be in bed.
  7. When the destruction was complete, Dominic gave everyone specific areas of the city to search.
  8. I could flip through their memories, searching for something specific, rather than being helpless and only seeing whatever popped up.
  9. Not only was it one of the prototypes unavailable to ruin rats but it was also capable of locating specific rare metals housed within other metals.
  10. Nana D and I chatted for another hour despite not coming to any specific conclusions.

TV Series Examples



- He was very specific on that point.