English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "sop" is 'n vloeibare gereg wat tipies gemaak word deur groente, vleis of vis in aftreksel of water gaar te maak. Dit kan ook verwys na 'n stof of mengsel wat gemeng of homogeen gemaak is, soos 'n "sop" van chemikalieë of 'n "sop" van idees. Boonop kan "sop" in informele kontekste gebruik word om 'n chaotiese of verwarrende situasie te beskryf, soos in "Dit was 'n sop van teenstrydige menings."

Sentence Examples

  1. The ground floor of the hotel was occupied by a large bar, a sort of restaurant freely open to all passers-by, who might partake of dried beef, oyster soup, biscuits, and cheese, without taking out their purses.
  2. Following my lead, she tastes the dish, making a slurping sound with the soup.
  3. My sister could arrange for a waiter to dump a bowl of soup on Abby, then lock her in the bathroom while I escaped.
  4. As poorly insulated as the room was, the air quickly thickened to a soup of sweat and exhaustion.
  5. I poured myself a cup of hot coffee, white with steamed milk, appreciating the magic of a thermos, even if the contents always tasted vaguely of vegetable soup.
  6. Little did I know they would be the last few quiet moments I would have for the next week and a half and that my life was about to become a soup sandwich.
  7. It was tireless, thankless work, and the greatest rewards I got for my efforts were lukewarm soup, half a roll of bread of questionable freshness, and the shackles around my wrists tightened slightly less when I went to sleep every night in that dingy shack they called a boarding house.
  8. Jars of blackberries and tomatoes and homemade vegetable soup.
  9. Jason swore by the African Peanut Soup at the Colophon Café.
  10. I was starting to look forward to some of her homemade chicken soup when I saw all the cars in her parking lot.