English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "seer" hang af van die konteks waarin dit gebruik word. Hier is 'n paar moontlike definisies:(byvoeglike naamwoord) pynlik om aan te raak; tender Voorbeeld: My spiere is seer nadat ek gister geoefen het.(byvoeglike naamwoord) voel of gee uitdrukking aan groot woede of wrok Voorbeeld: Sy was seer om die wedloop te verloor.(selfstandige naamwoord) 'n pynlike of sensitiewe area op die liggaam Voorbeeld: Ek het 'n seer op my tong.(selfstandige naamwoord) 'n gevoel van benoudheid of ongemak Voorbeeld: Die maatskappy se finansiƫle verliese was 'n seer punt vir die HUB.(bywoord) tot 'n groot mate; ernstig Voorbeeld: Sy was erg teleurgesteld oor die uitslag van die verkiesing.

Sentence Examples

  1. My cheeks are sore from maintaining a fake smile for hours.
  2. My muscles complained as I brought my hands in front of me and rubbed at my sore wrists.
  3. That annoying way she has of keeping occupied with trivial things, a habit that has spilled over from her job as school secretary, her mind filled with myriad little requests and tasks, from a sore knee to a teacher searching for a key to a parent wanting to collect her daughter early.
  4. His fist was sore but had clotted, the blood had stained his arm.
  5. The car seat was uncomfortable, and Charlie shuffled his sore glutes to a better position.
  6. Her head has been resting on one of my arms for hours, but it seems to never get sore beneath her lightless.
  7. Getting the old contacts out was a relief to my sore eyes.
  8. One was the man we had just bowled over, still rubbing his sore back.
  9. They kicked at my sore ribs, sending bolts of pain across my chest.
  10. His thumb sore from hammering the elevator button.

TV Series Examples



rub my legs when they're sore