English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "roet" is 'n swart poeieragtige of skilferige stof wat grootliks uit amorfe koolstof bestaan, wat deur die onvolledige verbranding van organiese materiaal geproduseer word. Dit versamel tipies as 'n afsetting in skoorstene, uitlaatpype en ander oppervlaktes wat met rook of verbrandingsgasse in aanraking kom.


  1. crock
  2. lampblack
  3. carbon black
  4. smut

Sentence Examples

  1. Once I was in the shower, scalding water washed the soot from my body and the smoke from my hair.
  2. Walls of tanned hide formed a domed room where no fewer than sixteen poles were propped through a singular smoke hole blackened with soot.
  3. Wall Street has reopened even though ladies still slip on soot from the burned buildings and some men have taken to carrying pistols in their breast pockets.
  4. Kallan wiped the sweat from her forehead, leaving a streak of soot smudged across her brow.
  5. The Gulf Tower was consumed in fire, a black pyre of soot ascending into the clouds.
  6. Her figure was still slim and toned, but now she was dressed in rags, and her face was filthy with soot and dirt.
  7. The only sign anything untoward had happened were the deep scorch marks left in the tone at his feet, streaks of soot that flared outward like a star with Uraj in the center.
  8. Dust and soot drifted downwards as he worked it free.
  9. He looked down at his hands the new one was clean, the old one was smeared in soot and grime and blood.
  10. A ring of soot had gathered around the chimney, he noticed.