English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woord "sol" kan verskillende betekenisse hê, afhangende van die konteks. Hier is 'n paar van sy woordeboekdefinisies:'n Musieknoot wat die vyfde toon van 'n diatoniese toonleer verteenwoordig (bv. do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, ti). In sterrekunde word "sol" soms gebruik om na die son te verwys, veral met betrekking tot die Mars-dag, wat 'n "sol" genoem word omdat dit ongeveer gelyk is aan die tyd wat dit neem vir Mars om een keer om sy as te draai."Sol" is ook 'n Spaanse woord wat "son" beteken.As 'n slengterm kan "sol" kort wees vir "solo," wat beteken om iets alleen of onafhanklik te doen.In mynbou is "sol" 'n maatstaf van die konsentrasie van opgeloste vaste stowwe in 'n vloeistof, gewoonlik water.Laastens kan "sol" ook 'n afkorting wees vir "oplossing" of "prokureur."


  1. so
  2. soh

Sentence Examples

  1. They brought me here from Sol Gier and put me up in this house as a quiet place to conduct research, research on magic.
  2. Thus far, the dog appeared oblivious to the disturbance he had caused since arriving in Sol Polis.
  3. The soldiers who captured these men were the last group to leave Sol Polis.
  4. Lyra stared at her surroundings in wonder as she passed through the open gates of Sol Polis, each step of her boots clicking on the stone-paved streets, busy with foot traffic.
  5. Along with it, my army will depart tomorrow for Sol Polis.
  6. Unconscious and bleeding profusely when we found him, we bandaged the wound and carried him to Sol Polis.
  7. They rounded a bend and the torchlit gates of Sol Limar came into view.
  8. Since our individual power rays will have a different frequency of vibration, this should set up a dissonance and gradually destabilise the soil in that area, turning it from a sol to a gel a similar effect to an earthquake.
  9. The main street ran toward the heart of the city, toward a grey castle built atop a hill overlooking the Sol Mai Ocean.
  10. Having reached the road after sunset, not even a single wagon passed them during their journey to Sol Limar.