English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van "versag" is om iets minder hard, rigied of hard te maak in tekstuur, konsekwentheid of toon. Dit kan ook beteken om iets minder ernstig, intens of ekstreem te maak, of om iemand of iets meer simpatiek of vriendelik te maak.

Sentence Examples

  1. Winter still looked frustrated with everything in general but tried her best to soften her expression.
  2. Krista fell to the ground, trying to soften the impact with her hands, but she tumbled onto the floor face-first.
  3. I think I needed to learn to judge him more fairly, to soften my heart.
  4. He bribed all the household, he gave and offered gifts and presents to my parents every day was like a holiday or a merry-making in our street by night no one could sleep for the music the love letters that used to come to my hand, no one knew how, were innumerable, full of tender pleadings and pledges, containing more promises and oaths than there were letters in them all which not only did not soften me, but hardened my heart against him, as if he had been my mortal enemy, and as if everything he did to make me yield were done with the opposite intention.
  5. He stroked the side of my face as if to try and soften the blow of what he told me.
  6. And I would go along with it because I could use my fists to soften his butchery.
  7. She just shook her head and sobbed into the pillow Calder forced himself to soften his tone and turned her face back to his.
  8. Sobek knelt beside her, wishing she could do anything to soften the blow.
  9. The dirt floor had several thick black rugs over it to help soften the space.
  10. He loaded his arms with them and went back to the freezer, laying them on the floor to soften the surface.