English to afrikaans meaning of

Sokrates was 'n Griekse filosoof wat in Athene gewoon het vanaf 469/470 vC tot sy teregstelling in 399 vC. Hy is bekend vir sy metode van bevraagtekening, waarna nou verwys word as die Sokratiese metode, en vir sy bydrae tot die ontwikkeling van Westerse filosofie. Die naam "Sokrates" self kom van die Griekse woorde "sōkratēs" wat "veilige krag", "wysheid" of "intelligensie" beteken.

Sentence Examples

  1. When it arrived, he began with the slaw and was soon breathing fire and hailing the waiter to beg for water, when Socrates appeared on the next stool.
  2. Wherein he agreed entirely with the sentiments of Socrates, as Plato delivers them which I mention as the highest honor I can do that prince of philosophers.
  3. And, if your man Socrates is on the level, we had best choose one of those thousands of suspects as the killer, and deliver the guy to certain concerned citizens.
  4. Fifty-five LEO drove them to Sugar Hill Barbershop where Tom delivered his report, asked the barber to read and act on his conscience, and to pass it along to Socrates as soon as the publisher got free.
  5. A handwritten draft of a Forum from the day Socrates got jailed.
  6. But Florence still came first, after he used the Villegas telephone to set up a meet with Socrates.
  7. Forty-nine IN the Packard, after Tom related all he knew about Socrates and the tommy-gunners, he watched Florence in the back seat.
  8. We have no intention of harming this Socrates, or even silencing him.
  9. I had the honor to have much conversation with Brutus and was told that his ancestor Junius, Socrates, Epaminondas, Cato the Younger, Sir Thomas More, and himself, were perpetually together a sextumvirate to which all the ages of the world cannot add a seventh.