English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van die woord "sneeuagtig" is: bedek met, gekenmerk deur of lyk soos sneeu. Dit kan ook verwys na iets wat geassosieer word met of tydens die winterseisoen of sneeuweer voorkom. Byvoorbeeld, 'n "sneeudag" verwys na 'n dag wanneer dit swaar sneeu, terwyl "sneeuberge" verwys na berge wat met sneeu bedek is. Daarbenewens kan "sneeu" gebruik word om iets te beskryf wat wit en donsig is, wat soos sneeu lyk.


  1. snow-white

Sentence Examples

  1. This was emphasised by the fact that the snowy mountain-top still held the sunset, and seemed to glow out with a delicate cool pink.
  2. I got my face back under control, changed the look of surprise to one of pure snowy innocence, then took another drink without saying a word.
  3. Harker everything which had passed and although she grew snowy white at times when danger had seemed to threaten her husband, and red at others when his devotion to her was manifested, she listened bravely and with calmness.
  4. Whatever my expectation was, it was not disappointed, for there, on our favourite seat, the silver light of the moon struck a half-reclining figure, snowy white.
  5. He was topless his lithe torso resembled the snowy white stone of Veneseron Fortress.
  6. True it is, Olalla, sometimes Thou hast all too plainly shown That thy heart is brass in hardness, And thy snowy bosom stone.
  7. For years I roamed the snowy crags of the High Kandris and dwelled among the clans of the foothills, placing myself in front of those too weak, or too old, or too young to stand before Evil themselves.
  8. Right and left of us they towered, with the afternoon sun falling full upon them and bringing out all the glorious colours of this beautiful range, deep blue and purple in the shadows of the peaks, green and brown where grass and rock mingled, and an endless perspective of jagged rock and pointed crags, till these were themselves lost in the distance, where the snowy peaks rose grandly.
  9. Then looking at the wet, snowy ground, she decided to stay put.
  10. Long bench tables dotted the flagstone floor between stacked totems of dirty cardboard and great snowy mountains for shredded office paper.