English to afrikaans meaning of

As 'n selfstandige naamwoord het "snapper" verskeie betekenisse, insluitend:'n Vis van die familie Lutjanidae, wat tipies in warm kuswaters aangetref word, en dikwels as voedsel geëet word. 'n Persoon of ding wat breek, soos 'n hegstuk of 'n gereedskap om te sny.'n Soort garnale wat algemeen in seekosgeregte gebruik word, veral in die suide van die Verenigde State.'n Term wat gebruik word om na 'n jong, aantreklike vrou te verwys, veral in sleng.'n Soort kragtige vuurwerk wat 'n harde klapgeluid maak.In Amerikaanse voetbal, 'n senter wat klap die bal na die agterspeler.As 'n werkwoord kan "snapper" beteken:Om 'n foto te neem, veral vinnig of terloops.Om 'n vis te vang, veral 'n snapper.Om te knip of styf toe te maak, soos met 'n sluiting of hegstuk.Om 'n skielike, skerp geluid te maak, soos 'n klapgeluid.


  1. chelydra serpentina
  2. common snapping turtle

Sentence Examples

  1. This did not go down well, but it was snapper who seemed to protest the most.
  2. As the hounds came into the small clearing Snapper lowered his head and growled.
  3. There was also Snapper, a small scruffy stray terrier, who had joined the troupe one morning a couple of months ago.
  4. Snapper started sniffing the ground and wagging his tail.
  5. When the rest started heading out of the clearing Snapper just sat there.
  6. They were just about to carry on after Glint but stopped when they saw Snapper sitting on the mound.
  7. Even Eldin went into his purse and drew out a small coin, when Snapper begged in front of him.
  8. So Mankin picked up Lowe and overtook Glint and Ami with snapper happily running along beside.
  9. In the circle appeared Snapper with the handle of a small tin in his mouth, going up to each of the men he sat raising his front paws and begged.
  10. Breaker was playing with Lowe and Snapper just away from the wagons.