English to afrikaans meaning of

Smokkelary is die onwettige vervoer van goedere of mense oor grense heen, dikwels in stryd met doeane-, immigrasie- of ander wette. Smokkelary kan die geheime beweging van dwelms, wapens, smokkelary of ander verbode items behels, sowel as die onwettige vervoer van mense vir verskeie doeleindes, soos dwangarbeid of prostitusie. Smokkelaars gebruik dikwels geheime metodes om hul aktiwiteite te verberg, soos om goedere in geheime kompartemente weg te steek, vals dokumente te gebruik of amptenare om te koop. Smokkelary is 'n ernstige misdaad wat aansienlike ekonomiese, sosiale en veiligheidsgevolge kan hê.

Sentence Examples

  1. Castle-Coterie was named for the infamous coterie who hid in its underground depths long ago, using it as a smuggling den.
  2. But the US government hardly looked at China regarding drug trafficking, and, even when they did, the smuggling was surprisingly easy, and the overly bloated bureaucracy stumbled over itself with ineptitude.
  3. Smuggling is a profitable trade, when a certain degree of vigor and intelligence is employed as for myself, brought up in the mountains, I had a double motive for fearing the gendarmes and custom-house officers, as my appearance before the judges would cause an inquiry, and an inquiry always looks back into the past.
  4. Whether the scooters were exploiting a loophole in tariffs, less likely to be stopped for inspection or being used for straightforward smuggling was never clear, but the name and the scooters persist.
  5. Smuggling sick people from the mainland and letting them loose in your precious Camp Wight?
  6. With the island struggling to cope with an influx of refugees, Adam must battle corruption and ruthless smuggling gangs, all amid people so desperate they will do anything to reach the paradise of the west.
  7. There were secret currents, shipwrecks, caves, shark sites, battle sites, and smuggling routes between the islands.