English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "glad" is om iets te doen op 'n manier wat sonder enige probleme, probleme of onderbrekings is. Dit verwys na die aksie om 'n taak of 'n proses uit te voer op 'n manier wat maklik en moeiteloos is, sonder enige stampe of rowwe kolle. Die term kan ook gebruik word om 'n oppervlak of tekstuur te beskryf wat gelyk is, sonder enige stampe of grofheid.

Sentence Examples

  1. If tonight had run smoothly, I would want to keep my business alive.
  2. During the first days, they went along smoothly enough.
  3. He spun on his heel and beheld Stormaway exuding power, resplendent in emerald robes, brown hair smoothly spilling over his shoulders.
  4. Stormaway appeared to have imbibed a few glasses already and smoothly took over the conversation, giving Tarkyn a rest from skating on thin ice.
  5. Nibbling against my neck, he smoothly strides across the room and hall, making his way to the master bedroom.
  6. Then, because the adventure was apparently going too smoothly, my head decided to attack me again.
  7. Fortunately, with the name and reputation of Lewis Corporation, everything from the acquisition of the land down to the most minute detail has been smoothly carried out.
  8. The blood did not flow smoothly, it spurted into the sample bottle, the blood was cherry red.
  9. Richard grasped his wrist and Jack pulled him smoothly back to the vertical.
  10. But in the present instance things had not gone so smoothly.