English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "slur" kan verskil na gelang van die konteks, maar hier is 'n paar algemene definisies:Selfstandige naamwoord: 'n neerhalende of insinuerende opmerking of innuendo; 'n beledigende of skadelike bewering of beskuldiging Voorbeeld: Hy het 'n belediging oor haar ras gemaak.Selfstandige naamwoord: 'n beledigende of verkleinerende karakterisering of kritiek Voorbeeld: Die artikel het 'n belediging bevat teen die skrywer se skryfvermoë.Selfstandige naamwoord: 'n vaag of onduidelike merk, veral 'n smeer gemaak deur ink, verf of 'n soortgelyke stof Voorbeeld: Daar was 'n klein ink-skroef op die bladsy.Werkwoord: om met onduidelike artikulasie te praat of om swak uit te spreek Voorbeeld: Hy was geneig om sy woorde te verduister wanneer hy moeg was.Werkwoord: om iemand te beledig of te diskrediteer, dikwels deur neerhalende opmerkings oor hul ras, geslag of seksuele oriëntasie te maak. Voorbeeld: Hy is daarvan beskuldig dat hy sy teenstander tydens die veldtog beledig het.


  1. aspersion

Sentence Examples

  1. His body was still shaky but that drunken slur and foggy expression were gone.
  2. But besides all this, he reminded him that if he prided himself on being a gentleman and a Christian, he could not do otherwise than keep his plighted word and that in doing so he would obey God and meet the approval of all sensible people, who know and recognised it to be the privilege of beauty, even in one of humble birth, provided virtue accompany it, to be able to raise itself to the level of any rank, without any slur upon him who places it upon an equality with himself and furthermore that when the potent sway of passion asserts itself, so long as there be no mixture of sin in it, he is not to be blamed who gives way to it.
  3. The slur against his royalty seeped between clenched teeth.
  4. She would slur her speech every so often as well and we had some really nasty fights in those last couple of days.
  5. He remembered, in his past, getting into shouting matches with people who used that slur.