English to afrikaans meaning of

"slym" het verskeie betekenisse:Sagte, klam aarde of klei; modderSagte, gladde materiaal wat onaangenaam of walglik is om aan te raak of te sienEnige van verskeie sagte, slymerige of viskeuse stowwe, veral dié wat as onaangenaam of walglik beskou word li>'n Musiekstyl wat gekenmerk word deur stadige, swaar maatslae en lirieke wat dikwels donker of nihilisties is (slym rap)As 'n werkwoord beteken "slym" om te bedek of te smeer met slym of om glad en glad soos slym te beweeg.

Sentence Examples

  1. Entangling limbs held him tight, and slime burned cold on his flesh.
  2. He took notice of a general tradition that yahoos had not been always in that country but that, many ages ago, two of these brutes appeared together upon a mountain, whether produced by the heat of the sun upon corrupted mud and slime, or from the ooze and froth of the sea, was never known.
  3. It expels waste through its skin as acidic slime, and it has few other organs.
  4. They were red and thick, and covered with pulsing veins and a viscous slime.
  5. When the frog was got in, it hopped at once half the length of the boat, and then over my head, backwards and forwards, daubing my face and clothes with its odious slime.
  6. Somewhere far below the street, deep in the earth and the slime of crawling things, a tiny fragment of bone rested.
  7. Rush torches flamed and sputtered in regular intervals along the walls thick tar covered the brickwork above each one, stretching up to coat the ceiling with a viscous black slime that dripped down in occasional coagulated globs and the floor was sticky and unpleasant to walk on.
  8. There was a smear of pink-tinged slime beneath him.
  9. It is separated from the main land by a scarcely perceptible creek, oozing its way through a wilderness of reeds and slime, a favorite resort of the marsh hen.
  10. As the giant opened its slime ridden mouth to devour Cera, a fleeting white blur flickered into being.