English to afrikaans meaning of

As 'n selfstandige naamwoord kan die woord "slaper" verskeie betekenisse hê:'n Persoon of dier wat slaap.'n Spoorwegbinder wat die relings ondersteun en word loodreg daarop gelê.'n Meubel wat in 'n bed omskep word.'n Spioen of agent wat vir 'n lang tydperk in 'n teikenorganisasie geplaas word sonder om opgespoor te word.'n Potensiële of versteekte bate of talent wat nie algemeen erken word nie.'n Fliek, boek of ander werk wat lank na die aanvanklike vrystelling onverwags gewild word.As 'n werkwoord kan "slaap" beteken om te gaan slaap of om iemand of iets te laat slaap. Dit kan ook verwys na 'n trein of bus wat slaapplek het.

Sentence Examples

  1. You are aware that I am not a very sound sleeper, and since I have been on guard in this house my slumbers have been lighter than ever.
  2. Normally a sound sleeper, also on hard ground, Russell lay restless and alert.
  3. The poisoned chalice, the glittering dagger suspended over the head of the sleeper wizards and phantoms with terrific masks, those half-dim shadows more alarming than the approach of fire or the somber face of midnight, these, and such as these, he had made the companions of his more pleasing pictures.
  4. A late sleeper and the city not truly her home, though she has picked up enough rhythms to worry about this undertone.
  5. Hair, darkened to raven-black with perspiration, clung to a cheekbone, its dark veil hiding the expression of the sleeper.
  6. And when they run over a man that is walking in his sleep, a supernumerary sleeper in the wrong position, and wake him up, they suddenly stop the cars, and make a hue and cry about it, as if this were an exception.
  7. He beat against it with his fist, praying that Fray Felipe was a light sleeper and easily aroused.
  8. She had always been a deep sleeper which Dillon knew would work to his advantage.
  9. A young mother and her two boys are in the adjacent sleeper.
  10. I rushed down the corridor and into a sleeper car, thinking that was a good place to hide.