English to afrikaans meaning of

As 'n selfstandige naamwoord kan die woord "lei" 'n paar verskillende betekenisse hê, insluitend:'n Fynkorrelige rots wat in dun, plat stukke verdeel kan word, wat dikwels as dakbedekking gebruik word of as 'n skryfoppervlak.'n Plat stuk leiklip wat gebruik word om met kryt op te skryf, wat tipies in skole gebruik word.'n Lys van kandidate vir 'n verkiesing, wat dikwels in die frase gebruik word "op die leiklip".'n Donkergrys kleur wat soos die kleur van leiklip lyk.As 'n werkwoord kan "slate" beteken:Om met leiklip te bedek, soos in dakbedekking of vloerbedekking.Om te skeduleer of aan te wys vir 'n spesifieke pos, soos in "geraam om die volgende HUB te wees".Om kritiseer of veroordeel ernstig, soos in "die film is deur kritici beplan".

Sentence Examples

  1. It would only make them look at me strangely, and this was meant to be a clean slate.
  2. Then she pulled out her slate, which she had added at the last minute.
  3. Meaning that this is the first time, you are a blank slate.
  4. Unconscious, she hung limp in his arms as she swayed with each step that crunched through the thin slate of ice on the snow.
  5. On the wall behind him hung an enormous black slate.
  6. The well-manicured primary entrance contained a winding slate path, burgundy shutters adorning large, crisscross lattice windows, and giant rhododendron bushes growing in the front gardens.
  7. These were some of the older houses, almost Cape Cod-like, with green shutters and slate dormers, perched up on the craggy limestone bluffs overlooking the river.
  8. Monroe peeked through the open door while Mourning was studying what Olivia had written on her slate.
  9. There was an archway opposite him, around fifty feet away across irregular slate flags that made up the ground floor.
  10. I believe we forgot everything except, of course, personal fear, and it seemed to wipe the slate clean and give us a fresh start.