English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woord "slack" het veelvuldige woordeboekbetekenisse afhangende van die konteks, maar sommige algemene definisies sluit in:(werkwoord) om los of ontspanne te wees; om spanning of fermheid te kort(selfstandige naamwoord) 'n los of hangende deel van iets; 'n lengte materiaal wat oorgebly het nadat die res gebruik is(byvoeglike naamwoord) wat 'n gebrek aan inspanning, entoesiasme of besorgdheid toon; lui of onproduktief(selfstandige naamwoord) 'n boodskap- en samewerkingsplatform wat in die werkplek gebruik word om te kommunikeer en inligting met kollegas te deel.Hier is 'n paar voorbeeldsinne om die gebruik van die woord in verskillende kontekste:Die tou was te slap en dit het aanhou uit my hande gegly.Sy het die gordyne met 'n stuk slap tou vasgemaak. .Die span se vertoning was vandag baie slap; dit lyk of hulle nie veel moeite gedoen het nie.Kom ons gebruik Slack om met die res van die span te kommunikeer terwyl ons op afstand werk.

Sentence Examples

  1. I apologize, but cut me some slack, things were getting weird, and my mind was having trouble coping.
  2. Maybe I should cut myself some slack just this once.
  3. His mouth went slack when he saw the riotous mass coming for them from down the street.
  4. She nodded with a slack expression, for her dull nature had returned, but I had witnessed something precious.
  5. Bloodshot eyes darted around inside a face pale and slack, his hair matted with sweat.
  6. It is said, too, that he can only pass running water at the slack or the flood of the tide.
  7. I ground my jaw together and made my expression go slack.
  8. The reins were slack in his hands, and the mare stepped on quietly following the track.
  9. Five pairs of round eyes stared at him from slack faces.
  10. At first I inclined to slack off sail and beat about till the fog was lifted but whiles, I thocht that if the Deil was minded to get us into the Black Sea quick, he was like to do it whether we would or no.