English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woord "skermutseling" is 'n selfstandige naamwoord en het die volgende woordeboekbetekenisse:'n Kort, onbeplande en gewoonlik kleinskaalse geveg of konflik tussen opponerende magte, groepe of individue, wat tipies 'n beperkte aantal deelnemers betrek.'n Klein of voorlopige konflik of argument wat dien as 'n voorloper van 'n groter, meer betekenisvolle gebeurtenis of konfrontasie.'n Kortstondige of minderjarige betrokkenheid of konfrontasie, dikwels gekenmerk deur sporadiese of onreëlmatige uitruiling van houe, woorde of aksies.Let daarop dat "skermutseling" ook as 'n werkwoord gebruik kan word, wat beteken om betrokke te raak by 'n skermutseling of betrokke te raak by 'n geringe konflik of rusie.


  1. encounter
  2. brush
  3. clash

Sentence Examples

  1. Then they began to move and execute a kind of skirmish upon the calm water, while a vast number of horsemen on fine horses and in showy liveries, issuing from the city, engaged on their side in a somewhat similar movement.
  2. He knew the skirmish in the street had been witnessed by a lot of people.
  3. Forced to keep their distance from the danger of the rut, the Alfar watched from afar, stunned at the occasional skirmish between bulls.
  4. The skirmish fire increased to a long clattering sound.
  5. He answered, that which is unexpected, which comes suddenly and unforeseen and though he answered like a pagan, and one without the knowledge of the true God, yet, as far as sparing our feelings is concerned, he was right for suppose you are killed in the first engagement or skirmish, whether by a cannon ball or blown up by mine, what matters it?
  6. Then, compelled to quit Rome, he went and got himself obscurely killed in a night skirmish, scarcely noticed in history.
  7. There they had a bit of a skirmish in getting rid of the duties the excise was, in truth, the everlasting enemy of the patron of La Jeune Amélie.
  8. While the former surveyed the ruins, both internally and externally, with the curiosity of one whose recollections were reviving at each moment, Chingachgook related to his son, in the language of the Delawares, and with the pride of a conqueror, the brief history of the skirmish which had been fought, in his youth, in that secluded spot.
  9. They were laughing, joking, some singing, many cleaning their weapons as they spoke of the recent skirmish, boasting of their exploits as the tension of the battle gradually subsided.
  10. For the first time since the skirmish outside the Ark, she thought of the protests Manuel had promised.